Where your growing season never ends!

Square Flood and Drip Shied + Quicker Dripper


SKU: FFLEX007 Category:


The FloraFlexTM Square Flood and Drip Shield + Quicker Drippers instantly gives you control over your feeding plan. This product can be used in both the vegetative and flowering stages, however we recommend using the FloraCapTM throughout the vegetative phase and this unit primarily in the flower stage. Place the Square Flood and Drip Shield on top of your 6″ rockwool cube and use the built in measuring table to fill the reservoir with water and nutrients. Quicker Drippers, which provide a faster feed than the Gravity Drippers, pop into the 4 holes and slowly deliver the exact amount of water and nutrients you want to distribute to your plants. Take your system a step further and use the barbed nozzle to transform into an automated top-feeding drip system. This product is the perfect base tool for a top feeder or someone who enjoys the benefits of a drip system and likes the results of a top feed. It eliminates algae by covering the top of the media. 


  • Compatible with any 6″ rockwool cube
  • Translucent rubber for easy viewing of measurements
  • (7) raised air slots
  • Stakes on the bottom add extra stability
  • Measures up to 32 oz (1000 ml) of water and nutrients
  • Use Barbed Nozzle and Tubing (1/4″ OD) to automate your feed
  • Interchange Gravity Drippers, Quicker Drippers, and Eliminators
  • Snap & Pop Technology
  • Dishwasher safe, stackable and reusable
  • BPA and lead-free rubber & plastic


  • Eliminate Algae
  • Save up to 60% of your water, nutrients, and time!
  • Automated Hand Feed + Top-Feeding Drip System
  • Measuring table allows you to track feed quantities and plants needs
  • No more tedious counts, simply use the measuring table to fill the reservoir
  • Built-in overflow system delivers excess water and nutrients straight to the rootball
  • Automate your feed
  • Block light. Roots use entire medium
  • Allows medium to dry evenly


  • (1) Square Flood & Drip Shield
  • (4) Gravity Drippers